

What We Buy

We most frequently buy dental scrap consisting of dental crowns, bridges, PFMs, PFGs, inlays, onlays, caps, polishings, gold partials, casting grains, dental sweeps, and platinum crowns, but we'll take anything that may contain gold, platinum, silver, or palladium.

We get more precious metals out of your scrap than our competitors!

Not sure if what you have contains any gold, platinum, silver, or palladium? Send it anyway! Our scrap packs are free to you (free shipping both ways), so you have nothing to lose. Our state of the art refinery and professional chemists have dozens of years of combined experience and will be able to determine exactly how much precious metal value your dental scrap contains!

While most companies will only pay you for the gold contained within your dental scrap, we pay you for ALL gold, platinum, silver, and palladium that your dental scrap contains. We do a full melt with our state of the art equipment to ensure we pay you for every last particle of value!

What are you waiting for? Request your free scrap pack at the box to the left now! We look forward to serving you!